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Senior Capstone: The Student Hub rendering


An overview of LSU undergraduate projects that demonstrate technical/communication skills: higher education, hospice, multi-family, live/work, 3D modeling, luminaire design, construction documentation

Senior Capstone:
The Student Hub

Year-long capstone project dedicated to transforming LSU's Main Library into a vibrant hub for campus activities and resources

Grace Care Home

Children's hospice nestled within Baton Rouge's urban landscape, providing compassionate care amidst the city's bustling environment

MidCity Apartments

Transformed from the historic Electric Depot, these adaptive reuse multi-family apartments in Baton Rouge, Louisiana offer sustainable urban living

A Weaver's World

A dynamic space blending living, work, and community, fostering connection with Navajo culture for artisans and locals

Construction Systems

Building System C integrates light wood framing, masonry brick exterior, hip & valley roof, slab-on-grade foundation, and solar hot water heater

Luminaire Design

Handcrafted pendant light made from laser-cut thin plywood for a creative and intriguing lighting solution

Windward Island
Visitor Center

Semester-long project simulating NCIDQ Practice Test requirements, demonstrating design proficiency and knowledge application

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